by Be Epic Inc



Learn anything, anywhere, anytime.Have you ever been disappointed with a boring professor droning on for hours? Have you ever read a good book only to find weeks later that you had not implemented any of the great information you learned? Have you ever read a page from a book and at the bottom of the page have no idea what you’ve read?It has happened to all of us. The problem is not the information but rather the fact the information was never stored or used and was therefore forgotten.Have you ever seen a great movie and you couldn’t wait to tell your friends about it? Have you ever been to a great restaurant and if you think hard enough you can still remember the smell when you first walked in? Whats the difference?At LRNiT we see education differently.It is not the instructors job to simply convey information like they are reading from a textbook. Nor is education regurgitation of information.We believe that real education is not only the application of information but rather the synthesis of information for critical and creative thinking skills.Every course at LRNiT is created to stimulate the users brain and evoke thought and memory. If students cannot remember critical information in the moment, they will be unable to problem solve or think creatively.LRNiT course information is presented using the latest knowledge on neurolinking, learning styles, and memory.